On March 29, 2009 we got 3 more inches of snow. Just when we thought spring was here to stay and we could start playing out in the yard without a coat (refer to earlier pictures of Isaac) it snows. Over the last two weeks
we have
had cold snaps that cause it to snow INCHES at a time. The next day it melts. This has happened a few times recently. We all love the snow but come on already pick one or the other not both.
Ryan and I were both cursing last night when it snowed! Jacie was so insistent on being outside that Ryan took her for a walk in her wagon around the block, and even played out there afterwards. They came in not because Jacie was cold, but because RYAN was cold! I am so sick of winter I could scream! Its supposed to be 40's and 50's this week, but with rain. At least its not hte below zero stuff we seemed to have forever this year.
I can't even imagine. You winters must be long and miserable like our AZ summers are, just for the opposite reason.
This looks like Idaho. the surpize snow can be fun but not in May or July like I have seen happen in past years.
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