Sunday, June 26, 2011

Aunt Nic

Aunt Nic came to visit last week with her fiance Ryan, but some people call him John, so we just might call him J.R. This is the weenie roast in Scout Mountain Tuesday night. The weather was spetacular the whole time they were here.

Isaac is a "do it myself" man. Before anyone blinked he'd eaten 3 hot dogs.

Lazy hours were spent at the park just enjoying the tranquility Pocatello has to offer. Aunt Nic is a keeper in our house.

Sisters, Nicole and Emma. :-)
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Monday, June 20, 2011


We jumped the gun a little on the circus...a better one is in town this week...but the kids enjoyed themselves anyway. Isaac and Ethan didn't want me to take pictures of them as we were waiting for the show to start. Once the parade of animals and performers began, you can see the smile on Isaac's face! Cosette was into it the whole time.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Sarah has been a fun addition to the family. We all love her.

Here's another look at our backyard from the top of the hill...

Tooth Fairy forgot and had to make a dash while Cozy was getting ready for church last week...

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Friday, June 10, 2011


Thanks to all the family and friends that have been around to help us in these first few weeks of transition. Here are some of the latest pictures. Sarah is now 3 weeks old. How did that happen?

Rob and friends built this wall up last weekend so we could flatten out our yard.

Kid Wisdom

  • 6.9.15 (Sitting in Emma's office writing a string of abc's) Mom: You have to put a tail on the "u". S: You doesn't have a tail, Reesy has a tail.
  • 6.8.15 Isaac: You know, the grass-watering hose thing? Ethan: You mean sprinkler? Isaac: Yes, the sprinkler.
  • 4.1.15 S: I not sleepy {yawn}. Emma: You just yawned. S: What's "yawn" mean? Emma: That you're sleepy. S: I not sleepy!